Please help us find these missing or unconfirmed members of our class.

Contact Kelli (Hixson) Deal at or Angie Foley at to update your information. 

Please keep your address, phone and e-mail current with us so you will receive all updates.

Alex Azevendo (foreign exchange student)

Bob Bender

Byron Berger (California?)

David Bogema (unconfirmed)

John Cardinal (Florida?)

Veronica Craft (ohio?)

Chad Cummings (Allendale, MI?)

Volker Dege (foreign exchange student)

Amy Evans Pettit (Facebook) (unconfirmed)

Becky Green Miller (Vicksburg?)d)

Lucia Guimereas (foreign exchange student)

Barbara Hart (Three Rivers?)

Ronald Heath (Kalamazoo?)

Everett Kettle (Kalamazoo?)

Marie Kirby

Christopher MacDonald

Juha Perttila (foreign exchange student)

Tracy Porter

Grant Saunders (Kalamazoo/Oshtemo area?)

Kevin Saunders (Mendon?)

Jason Shephard (Vicksburg/K-zoo/family plumbing business/P Ave?)

 Last Updated 7/18/09

 We are missing the following classmates e-mails.

All reunion updates are sent via e-mail.

Dan Bunch

Jamie Caniff

Chad Dailey

Patti Darling McNees

Ron Erickson

Stacy Erskine

Joe Guzik

Rachel Hadley Miller

Brett Holmes

Kathy Hurley Rakocy

Lisa Jobin Sink

Everett Kettle

Karla Lane Fruehauf

Kincey Lane

Michelle Lee Kamrowski

Brett Mackinder

Sean McCluskey

Mark Meacham

Shannon Miller

Jason Myers

Amanda Ocker Bunch

Tracy Pillar

Sean Reynolds

Grant Saunders

Paul Stuut

Thomas Visser

Terry Warren

Jodi Wiessner

Marianne Wyatt Johnson

Updated 7/6/09

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